A future perspective on modeling streamer discharges: longer time scales and other gases
We can simulate streamer discharges in air reasonably well, but only if we consider a single short voltage pulse and a modest number of streamer channels. However, in practical applications we often want to consider multiple voltage pulses, combined with a complex chemistry. On longer time scales, gas heating and the streamer-to-leader transition can also become important. Furthermore, applications often involve gases other than air, which typically leads to two challenges: a lack of input data, and more stochastic streamer evolution, since most gases have weaker photoionization than air. In this talk, I will give a future perspective on the modeling of streamers with these challenges in mind. I will discuss advances in computational methods, the potential use of machine learning and the state of reduced models. I will also briefly highlight data needs for future modeling.
Jannis Teunissen
Jannis Teunissen is a researcher at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), the Dutch national research institute for mathematics and computer science. He did his PhD at CWI and worked as a postdoc at KU Leuven (Belgium). His main research interests are streamers and related electric discharges, the development of computational codes and methods, and more recently also the use of data-driven models. More information can be found on his personal website https://teunissen.net/.