9-13 July 2024, Brno, Czech Republic

News, updates, announcements

  • July 13, 2024: Thank You and Safe Travels! See you in XXVII ESCAMPIG, Madeira, 7-11 July 2026
  • July 13, 2024: Best poster prize winners announced!
  • July 13, 2024: ESCAMPIG HERALD: Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, SPECIAL (Cipher's Solutions).
  • July 13, 2024: Tarball of all pdf abstracts: abstracts.tar.gz.
  • July 11, 2024: Conference photo will be taken on Friday, July 12th at 13:00! Do not miss it!
  • July 10, 2024: ICPIG 2025 Flyer and webpage announced.
  • July 4, 2024: Final conference program update. See you in Brno!
  • July 3, 2024: Final Announcement is published.
  • July 2, 2024: Conference program updated.
  • June 28, 2024: Conference program updated. Imporant Travel Information update regarding public transport in Brno.
  • June 12, 2024: Conference program announced.
  • April 24, 2024: REGISTRATION OPEN.
  • March 5, 2024: 2nd Announcement is published!
  • Abstract deadline extended to March 8, 2024.
  • WARNING: Beware of Scam Emails!
  • Feb 9, 2024: Abstract upload is now OPEN.
  • Call for nominations: The International Scientific Committee (ISC) of ESCAMPIG is seeking nominations for The William Crookes Prize.
  • December 1, 2023: ESCAMPIG 2024 1st Announcement published online.
  • December 3, 2023: 1st Announcement email to ESCAMPIG mailing list.

Important deadlines

  • Early Payment Deadline : May 31, 2024
  • Abstract Submission: March 8, 2024
  • Nominations for Crookes Prize: February 28, 2024
  • Acceptance Notification: April 12, 2024
  • Early Registration: May 31, 2024


Conference Information

The ESCAMPIG (Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases) is an international biennial conference traditionally recognized by the EPS (European Physical Society). The conference topics comprise basic and applied plasma research. 26th ESCAMPIG will be organized by the Department of Plasma Physics and Technology of Masaryk University (MUNI) in cooperation with the CEPLANT and the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists.

Conference Format and Topics

ESCAMPIG 2024 consists of plenary, invited general lectures and topical lectures, two poster sessions and two workshops. All submitted abstracts for conference contributions (oral and poster) will be refereed by the International Scientific Committee, and only approved contributions will be published in the electronic book of contributed papers.

Conference Topics
  1. Atomic and molecular processes in plasmas
  2. Transport phenomena, particle velocity distribution function
  3. Physical basis of plasma chemistry
  4. Plasma surface interaction (boundary layers, sheath, surface processes)
  5. Plasma diagnostics
  6. Plasma and discharges theory and simulation
  7. Self-organization in plasmas, dusty plasmas
  8. Upper atmospheric plasmas and space plasmas
  9. Low pressure plasma sources
  10. High pressure plasma sources
  11. Plasmas and gas flows
  12. Laser produced plasmas



Predictive and practical simulations of plasma systems
and plasma processes (Workshop 1)

Chairman: Adam Obrusník (MUNI, PlasmaSolve, Czech Republic)
Anna Nelson (Quantemol Ltd, United Kingdom)
Vasco Guerra (Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal)
Markus M. Becker (Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, Germany)
Mark J. Kushner (University of Michigan, USA)

Workshop diagnostics

Advancements in non-equilibrium plasma laser diagnostics (Workshop 2)

Chairman: Gabi Daniel Stancu (CentraleSupélec, France)
Arthur Dogariu (Texas A&M University, USA)
Pavel Dvořák (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
Alexandros Gerakis (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg)
Jean-Pierre van Helden (Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, Germany)

Conference Scientific Program

Last Update July 2, 2024

Presentation's format:
General: 45 min, Topical Invited: 30 min, Hot Topic: 20 min, Oral: 20 min. (all including 5 min for questions/answers).
Workshop 1: panel discussion, Workshop 2: 30 min slots including 5 min for questions/answers.
Presentation format: Microsoft Powerpoint (pptx) or Adobe PDF.
Poster presentations: Maximum recommended poster size is 841 mm x 1189 mm ( width x height ), equivalent to A0 portrait paper size, fixed with pins, 2 hour session - remove you posters after the session
Two Best Poster prizes will be announced at the end of the conference.
Registration desk will be opened for the whole time of the conference.

Tuesday, July 9


Wednesday, July 10


Conference Opening - Carlos Pintassilgo, Zdeněk Bonaventura

Chair - Ronny Brandenburg

Coffee Break

Chair - Nikola Škoro

Buffet lunch

Coffee Break

Workshop 1 - Predictive and practical simulations of plasma systems and plasma processes

Chair: Adam Obrusník
Speakers: Anna Nelson, Vasco Guerra, Markus Becker, Mark J. Kushner

Thursday, July 11

Chair - Eugen Stamate

Coffee Break

Chair - Erik Wagenaars

Buffet lunch

Coffee Break

Workshop 2 - Advancements in non-equilibrium plasma laser diagnostics

Chair: Gabi Daniel Stancu

Friday, July 12

Chair - Aranka Derszi

Coffee Break

Chair - Francesco Taccogna

Buffet lunch

Saturday, July 13

Chair - Carlos Pintassilgo

Coffee Break

Chair - Carlos Pintassilgo, Nikola Škoro

Closing Ceremony - Carlos Pintassilgo, Zdeněk Bonaventura

Conference program

Short conference program in pdf

Poster Session 1 and Poster Session 2 program.

The William Crookes Prize (2024)

The winner of the William Crookes in 2024 is Professor Xin Tu, from the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, for his significant research work and ground-breaking contributions to plasma chemistry and plasma catalysis. Professor Xin-Tu will give a General Invited Lecture in ESCAMPIG.


Former winners:
  • Sedina Tsikata (ESCAMPIG Paris 2022) in recognition of her major contributions on the ExB instabilities and Thomson Scattering Cold Plasma Diagnostics.
  • Paola Diomede (2020, awarded in ESCAMPIG Paris 2022) in recognition of her major contributions on the modeling of Non-equilibrium H2 Plasma and Diffusion Approach to Vibrational Kinetics and the Monte Carlo Flux Method.
  • Deborah O'Connell (ESCAMPIG Glasgow 2018), for her major contributions to atmospheric pressure plasmas and applications to bio-medical science and plasma-liquid interface.
  • Vasco Guerra (ESCAMPIG Bratislava 2016) for his outstanding contribution to the modeling of molecular low-temperature plasmas including the strong coupling between electron and vibrational kinetics, together with chemical and ion kinetics.
  • Pascal Chabert (ESCAMPIG Greifswald 2014) for his major contributions on the modeling of capacitively and inductively coupled plasmas.
  • Antoine Rousseau (ESCAMPIG Viana do Castelo 2012) for his major contributions on the coupling plasma-catalysis and its application to air treatment.
  • Zoltan Donko (ESCAMPIG Novi Sad 2010) for his major contributions to the understanding of the effect of elementary processes on the properties of gas discharges and strongly coupled plasmas.
  • Richard van de Sanden (ESCAMPIG Granada 2008) for his major contributions to fundamental studies of expanding plasma jets and their use in plasma enhanced deposition and etching.



The IUPAP C16 Early Career Scientist Prize is recognizing outstanding contributions made by scientists at early stages of their careers in the field of Plasma Physics. The year 2023 is awarded to Jannis Teunissen:

For development of a suite of numerical codes to simulate streamer discharges in full 3D with their intricate inner structure, including their interactions and branching statistics, in agreement with experiments, as well as for contributions to codes and predictions for relativistic MHD in astrophysics, and to machine learning for space weather.

Prof. Ursel Fantz will represent IUPAP during the conference.


Best Poster Prize

Two best poster prizes will be awared at the closing of the conference. Nominations are now closed and International Scientific Committee will select best posters from over 60+ nominated posters.

Best poster in the category of Modeling:

M. Stastny; K. Mrozek; K. Jurik; L. Havlicek; M. Novotny; A. Obrusnik; Numerical simulation of a low-pressure electrodeless ion source intended for air-breathing electric propulsion

Best poster in the category of Experimental:

V. Wolf; R. Friedl; U. Fantz; Ammonia production in a low- to mid-pressure microwave discharge


Committees, Organizers

    International Scientific Committee

  • Chairman: Carlos Pintassilgo (Portugal)
  • Ronny Brandenburg (Germany)
  • Claudiu Costin (Romania)
  • Aranka Derszi (Hungary)
  • Anatoly Filippov (Russia) 
  • Victor Herrero (Spain)
  • František Krčma (Czech Republic)
  • Tiberiu Minea (France)
  • Nikola  Škoro (Serbia)
  • Eugen Stamate (Denmark)
  • Francesco Taccogna (Italy)
  • Erik Wagenaars (United Kingdom)

Local Organizing Committee

  • Chairman: Zdeněk Bonaventura (MUNI)
  • Co-chairman: Tomáš Hoder (MUNI)
  • Bohumila Tesaříková (MUNI)
  • František Krčma (BUT)
  • Ondřej Jašek (MUNI)
  • Pavel Dvořák (MUNI)


  • Eliška Vrzalová (MUNI)
  • Anežka Winklerová (MUNI)
  • Pavel Kunovský (MUNI)
  • Radka Kunovská (MUNI)
  • Monika Stupavská (MUNI)
  • Tereza Schmidtová (MUNI)
  • Jan Vondra (JČMF)

ESCAMPIG Conference History

ESCAMPIG History Notes.

The history of the ESCAMPIG conference dates back to 1973, when the first ESCAMPIG conference was held in Versailles. Since 1974, the ESCAMPIG conference has been held every two years, with the exception of 2020, when the event was postponed for two years due to the pandemic. The community of conference participants increased since the first conference and settled at a stable value of around 200 participants, leading experts worldwide focusing on atomic and molecular processes in ionized gases, basic and applied plasma research, diagnostic methods, plasma-surface interactions, plasma sources, and technologies. During half a century of ESCAMPIG history, this conference has been organized in many countries of Western and Eastern Europe. In 2024, ESCAMPIG will be held in the Czech Republic for the first time in history.

Recent editions of the conference:

The 25th Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases 19-23 Jul 2022 Paris (France) ESCAMPIG 2022.
The 24th Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases 17-22 Jul 2018 Glasgow (UK) ESCAMPIG 2018.
The 23th Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases 12-16 Jul 2016 Bratislava (Slovakia) ESCAMPIG 2016.

Registration, fees

The conference fee includes scientific program, welcome reception, conference dinner, excursion, coffee breaks and all lunches during the conference.

Early Late*   
  Regular: 530€ 580€
  EPS Members: 510€ 560€
  Students: 380€ 430€
  *Late: After May 31
  BASIC*   FULL*     
  Accompanying:   200€   350€
*BASIC: Includes excursion, accompanying
person programme, conference dinner,welcome reception
**FULL: BASIC + coffee breaks, lunches

Abstract Submission

All interested participants are invited to present the latest results of their scientific work in one of the ESCAMPIG subject areas. The extended deadline for abstract submission is March 8, 2024. Notifications of the acceptance or rejection of the contributions will be distributed no later than April 12, 2024. Contributed abstract must be written in English and should report previously unpublished work. The authors are responsible for both the content and style of their contributions. No editing or re-typing will be carried out by the conference organizers, and accepted abstracts will be reproduced without reduction or modification. Abstracts that do not conform to the format of the template may be rejected. Each contributed abstract must be submitted as a pdf file. Maximum of three abstracts are allowed per one registration fee. A google docs, docx template, and a LaTeX template files are available for download. In order to have an abstract published in the conference proceedings, at least one of the authors must have paid the registration fee by June 30, 2024. Please re-check that the correct topic number is placed on the top right-hand corner of the first page.

For late abstract submissions please contact organizers.

  LaTeX   docx    Google Docs*       
  Regular:   Template.tex   Template.docx   Template   Sample.pdf
  Invited:   Template.tex   Template.docx   Template   Sample.pdf
*Note: in order to use Google Docs template you need to login to your google account and use File > Make a copy. This allows you to save a personal copy of the document to your own Google Drive.

Venue and Local information

External link: Go To Brno

Conference Venue

The conference will be held on the Campus of the Faculty of Information Technology of the Brno University of Technology (BUT), within easy reach of the center of Brno. The venue is located in the former Monastery of the Carthusian Order, which was founded in 1375. In the Campus historic buildings are sensitively complemented by two new lecture hall complexes.

Venue Map


Brno has its own airport Brno-Tuřany (BRQ), with regular Ryanair flights to London. Brno can be also reached conveniently from Prague (PRG), Vienna (VIE) or Bratislava (BTS) airports.

For a connection to Brno from, e.g., the airport in Vienna or Prague we recommend using timetables from IDOS or Student Agency.
For details about the connection from Václav Havel Airport Prague to Brno, use these links for trains connection- Airport Express bus, buses + underground railway (metro), and a timetable. For details about the connection from Vienna International Airport to Brno, use these links for trains, buses, and a timetable.

Conference venue and hotels in the city center can be easily reached from main railway stations (Brno hl.n., Brno Kralovo Pole) or main bus stations (Brno UAN Zvonarka, Brno Hotel Grand) from above mentioned airports following these instructions, using public transport Tram Number 1 or Tram Number 6.

Important notice for conference participants regarding Brno public transport:
Participants of the conference will receive upon registration 5-day ticket to Brno city public transport, zones 100+101 - broader city center. The ticket will be in the form of printed QR code on the registration badge.

Information about public transport in Brno can be found at DPMB web page or in DPMBInfo Android/iOS App. You can also buy tickets directly on the tram/bus/trolleybus using ticket machine BEEP&GO system with your credit card. Ticket prices are 20, 29 or 99 Czech crowns (Kč) for 20, 75 minutes or full day ticket, respectively. Current Czech crown exchange rate is 1 EUR ~ 24.5 - 25.0 Kč. We recommend using only official bank houses as cash money exchange locations.


A limited number of hotel rooms are available for registered participants at special discount rates.

Social Program

Welcome Party - Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at 6 p.m.

The Welcome party will take place at the conference venue, located at the Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology (BUT), same location as the conference venue. It's conveniently close to the center of Brno and will be held on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at 6 p.m. A buffet-style meal, including soft and alcoholic drinks, will be provided. You can enjoy the summer ambiance with live cimbalom music and a folklore dance school. How to get there

Welcome Party Welcome Party

Conference Dinner - Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 8 p.m.

Excursions - Friday, July 12, 2024, after lunch

On Friday afternoon (July 12, 2024) we plan conference excursions to discover interesting places in Brno. We offer excursion options as described below. Some of them have a limited capacity. Participants can choose a particular option during the registration process. Due to the limited capacity, some excursion options might be unavailable.

Špilberk Castle

Špilberk Castle has dominated the skyline of Brno since the mid-13th century. Historically, it provided not only the symbol of safety and protection, but there also had been times when the fortress inspired fear and represented oppression for the citizens of the city. A sightseeing tour involves Casemates-prison, historical fortifications and lookout tower.
How to get there

Brno Underground

Two brick tanks and one concrete tank of Brno underground were built in the years 1874, 1894, and 1917. Very few similar sights like this exist elsewhere in Europe . The first of three unique water tanks was opened to visitors in 2020, now the entire area, including a revitalized park, is open to the public for spring 2024. These tanks are yet another addition to a diverse and fascinating list of Brno underground and industrial monuments.
How to get there

Villa Tugendhat

Villa Tugendhat was built in 1929–1930 to a design by the German architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. The villa soon became an icon of modern architecture in Europe, especially for its revolutionary use of space and industrial building materials. Also, its history is at least as fascinating as its cultural significance. Villa Tugendhat was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2001.
How to get there

Lab Tour and Garden Party at MUNI - Friday, July 12, 2024, from 5 p.m.

The garden party will be held on Friday, July 12, from 6 p.m. at the Botanic Garden of Masaryk University (Kotlářská 2, Brno). A BBQ-style dinner will be available, including soft drinks, beer, and wine. Guests will have the opportunity to visit the greenhouses of the Botanic Garden. Additionally, lab tours at the Department of Plasma Physics and Technology will be possible prior to the Garden Party.

Where to Eat

Here are some tips for nearby restaurants and other places. Brno is considered one of the best cities in the world for foodies. You can find something good to eat or drink in every part of it, but our tips are concentrated in the city center, where the majority of historical sights are.


Brno is famous for its coffeehouses. If you wanna taste a perfect cup of coffee, one of the best places is SKØG Urban Hub On Dominikánské náměstí 5, which is one of the best coffee houses with specialty coffee in Brno with a significant urban atmosphere. If you prefer a more Italian-style cup of coffee and you want a perfect piece of dessert to it, then you need to visit Café Momenta on Zelný trh. The best option for a breakfast Podnik on Peroutková 5.

Ice Cream

If you need to refresh yourself on a city tour, you can try ice cream from Božský kopeček ("Heavenly Scoop"). It is vegan gelato served from like tuk-tuk cars mostly on Náměstí svobody, Zelný trh and Moravské náměstí. If you don't mind standing in the queues, then you need to try an ice cream from Ještě jednu on Minoritská.


If you prefer refreshing with beer, then one of the best places with a unique atmosphere is Na stojáka on Jakubské náměstí. If you prefer to sit with your beer you can try beer house Pivní burza on Jánská street with the unique concept of floating beer price as on the stock market.


When you are hungry and want to grab something to eat with your beer then Lokál u Caipla on Kozí is the place to go. If you want to enjoy a perfect evening with a little bit of fine dining and wine visit Kohout na víně which is in House of Arts on Malinovského náměstí. And if you prefer a cocktail with your food then Element on Běhounská is the perfect place.

If you have sweet tooth try Cukrářství Martiňák in Alfa Passage on Poštovská or Sorry, pečeme jinak on Křídlovická.

If you are not sure what you want, visit Platz in upper part of Zelný trh. There is a calm and unique shared food court of 5 different establishments with a vertical garden.